- Author: Newman John Henry
- Date: 19 Feb 2015
- Publisher: Scholar's Choice
- Language: English
- Book Format: Paperback::442 pages
- ISBN10: 1297309375
- Dimension: 189x 246x 23mm::785g
- Download: The Arians of the Fourth Century Their Doctrine, Temper, and Conduct, Chiefly as Exhibited in the - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Arians of the Fourth Century Their Doctrine, Temper, and Conduct, Chiefly as Exhibited in the - Scholar's Choice Edition epub. 2010 - The Arians of the Fourth Century Their Doctrine Temper and Conduct Chiefly As Exhibited in the Councils of the Church Between Ad 325 Ad 381 First complete edition of the Greek original from the Codex Sinaiticus, to which it is appended, Tischendorf in the facsimile ed. Of that Codex, Petropoli, 1862, Tom. IV. 135 141, and in the Novum Testam. Sinait. 1863. The text dates from the fourth century. The most striking example of fanaticism is that exhibited on the night of St. Bartholomew, when the Edition: current; Page: [17] people of Paris rushed from house to house to stab, slaughter, throw out of the window, and tear in pieces their fellow citizens not attending mass. Guyon, Patouillet, Chaudon, Nonnotte, and the ex-Jesuit Paulian, are We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you and Conduct, Chiefly As Exhibited in the - Scholar's Choice Edition. their two-edged poniards, but in the night they boldly assembled in arms, and in numerous bands, prepared for every act of violence and rapine. Their adversaries of the green faction, or even inoffensive citizens, were stripped and often murdered these nocturnal robbers, and it became dangerous to wear any gold buttons or girdles, or to Persons who entertained Arian and other heterodox opinions upon the doctrine of the Trinity were an active and increasing party; and there was fear lest any attempt to enlarge the borders of the Church should only, or chiefly, result in their procuring some modifications of the Liturgy in their favour. Later in the century, the general question 1st. Their claim was confirmed to their contemporaries the miracles they wrought the fulfillment of many of their predictions (Numbers 16:28,29), the holiness of their lives. The moral and spiritual perfection of their doctrine, and the practical adaptation of the religious system they revealed to the urgent wants of men. 2nd. It savors strongly of Arianism, however, as it makes Christ a created being, and possibly this work, ascribed to Hernmas, may have been one of the ancient writings referred to the Arians, when they asserted that their doctrine was that of the old Christians. The early Fathers, it is to be observed, frequently confounded the Son with the Spirit. The Asiatic province of Cappadocia produced in the fourth century the three distinguished church teachers, Basil and the two Gregories, who stand in strong contrast with the general character of their countrymen; for the Cappadocians are described as a cowardly, servile, and deceitful race. 1938 This work has come down to us only in the Latin translation Rufinus, who altered it in many places, especially in what related to the Trinity, in order to accommodate its doctrine to the faith of the fourth century. This circumstance throws a shade of uncertainty, in some They show us Auvergne and the Bordelais in the evening light. The fourth, the fifth, and the sixth centuries -going, going, gone! 2. AUSONIUS. Going! This is the world of Ausonius, south-western France in the latter half of the fourth century, 'an Indian summer between ages of storm and wreckage'. The Arians Of The Fourth Century: Their Doctrine, Temper And Conduct, Chiefly As Exhibited In The Councils Of It is definitely not a scholar's edition, however. The prevailing tendency was to treat Patrology as a history of Ancient Christian Literature, and the best modern manuals of Patrology in the West were written precisely in this manner: Bardenhewer, Cayre, Tixeront, Quasten, adherents to this school of thought, made only sporadic reference to certain points of doctrine but their approach was no An illuminating side-light is cast on the opinions of the early Christians the inscriptions and emblems on the monuments in the Roman Catacombs. 12 It is well known that from the end of the First to the end of the Fourth Century the early Christians buried their dead, probably with the knowledge and consent of the pagan authorities, in subterranean galleries excavated in the soft rock (tufa) that underlies Rome. The Semi-Arians, 1369 or, as they are called, the Homoiousiasts, 1370 wavered in theory and conduct between the Nicene orthodoxy and the Arian heresy. Their doctrine makes the impression, not of an internal reconciliation of opposites which in fact were irreconcilable, but of diplomatic evasion, temporizing compromise, flat, half and half juste milieu. They had a strong footing in the subordination end of the Fourth and the beginning of the Fifth Century. No allusion is made to it before these dates Justin Mar-tyr, Clement, Origen, the historian Eusebius, or any of their contemporaries, all whom make declarations of Christian belief, nor is there any hint in antecedent litera-ture that any such document existed. Individual declara- After the death of the Apostles and their fellow workers there is a time of decline, until gradually preaching rises in power to its ancient culmination in the fourth and early fifth century. Then it falls into a long night of obscurity and weakness, till with the preaching of the Crusades and the rise of Scholasticism it begins to revive, and Theol.) of Thomassinus, Dogmata Theologica, and of Bull, Defensio fidei Nicænæ (maintaining against Petav. The fixity of pre-Nicene doctrine). Under this head we include Newman s Arians of the Fourth Century, an English classic, unrivalled as a dogmatic and religious study of Arianism, although unsatisfactory on its purely historical side.
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